
CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund & Streaming Commercials

img-holdingcfdafinalistsfinal_19285864363Every year, the CFDA / Vogue Fashion Fund hold a competition featuring some of the best “new” designers in the world of fashion and award a really awesome grand prize.

It’s kind of like Project Runway, but instead of being in a “made-for-TV” environment, these are people designers and businesses that are living mostly in the regular world *and* trying to win the Fashion Fund competition.

The “judging” panel is also pretty stacked with some amazing people from the fashion industry, including Anna Wintour.

Being a huge Project Runway fan, I should have loved this show.

I didn’t — and there were a couple of key reasons why.

First, the show was an “Amazon Prime” exclusive and instead of releasing the entire season all at once, they decided to only release one episode at a time. I do not understand streaming services that do this. If it was somehow time sensitive, it might make sense. But the project finished filming months ago. Release the whole season at once.

Second, even though I already paid for Amazon Prime, the show had commercials. And, not just a pre-roll and a post-roll. It felt like every five minutes there was a commercial break and there were at least 4 or 5 commercial breaks in the 40 minute show. Besides the fact they existed, the most annoying thing about the commercials was that it was the same 3 brands on every commercial break. One of the brands played the most annoying music in every commercial. I don’t think a commercial has ever caused me to have a negative view of a brand until this show.

Third, it seemed as if the show was being awkwardly edited to create unnecessary drama. Especially since the awards had already been handed out months earlier, it was easy to see online who had won and many of the judges interviews and comments felt like they were trying to create a swerve.

I hope if they chose to air it again that they will make some changes. I might give it another chance, but not if it’s the same.